Hitting 21th!

I'm officially 21 y/o today. I think I'm not quite ready for it. I can still rmb how hitting 20 is a big milestone for me last year bc I'm not a teen anymore. Now I'm 21, another marvelous milestone as I'm leaping into adulthood. I think there're a lot for me to learn and grow bc I think my mental age is still very young. I want to take my life seriously, whether it's daily life or spiritual life and of course I wanna grow in spiritual life, I'm so left behind bc I seldom push myself forward.

My friends threw me a surprise party on 7th. It's an advanced surprise bc J and I will be busy for the 2 following days.
This balloon is so pretty! It's my first time receiving this kind of balloon and I love it! Hope it lasts long
Prepared by Zi Ling, thank you! It's now hanging on my room wall
J customized a cake and it's the cutest cake ever! it had many seals on it but too bad I couldn't bring them back bc they're made by sugar. The blue colour is love.
The seal cake

Thanks J for the cake and balloon, like them so much
With the girls who've been through my campus life with me
Appreciate your effort and time for this surprise
The girls got me a necklace from Lovisa and I like it so much! They know me so well. 

The necklace with infinity symbol
It's a double surprise. We surprised sm after we've done eating bc her birthday is the next day after mine. 

Happy birthday SM!
I'm beyond grateful for them. They're the ones who're gonna go through degree life tgt with me. Wish our degree life goes smooth and we can create more memories tgt before graduating.


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