Overstepped Cafe

After hours of non-stop writing, finally I've done my Biology lab report and have some time to blog about the cafe I went with my friend (Joshua) yesterday. What's better than having a friend to ask you out when you're craving for good food? Haha so yesterday I went to Overstepped Cafe which is located quite far away from my campus, about 15km away. This cafe is located near the toll station but I can tell this cafe has its reputation here despite its not-strategic-location which is away from town. Why? Because the moment we got into the cafe, what welcomed us was the noise of people chit chatting. For a second I thought I was in a kopitiam rather than a cafe because it was really noisy inside. It was around 2.30pm when we reached but many tables were occupied even though it's not lunch hour. Fortunately, we managed to be seated at a table for 2.

I ordered Fat Elvis, which is beef burger with grilled banana with the spread of peanut butter. For drinks, I got myself a Detox, which was a dragonfruit and pineapple yogurt. Actually Joshua only intended to have some drinks but he ended up ordering food haha, probably tempted by the menu there. So at the end he ordered a latte and The Pirate Pizza, which was actually a tuna pizza. There're 3 choices for pizza, another option was Hawaiian Chicken Pizza and I forgot the other one but since I ate chicken literally everyday in campus so The Pirate Pizza which sounded kinda cool was chosen. Tbh before I placed order, I was struggling whether to choose this burger or another one which has strawberry/ blueberry jam spread instead of penut butter. Both were recommended on the menu and they both sounded good to me haha. At last, peanut butter won over jam.

After we placed order, people started leaving and now the environment was much better.

Fat Elvis, The Pirate Pizza, Latte and Detox
Fat Elvis (Beef, grilled banana, peanut butter)
The burger was not bad but I would like to try the chicken chop next time. Although there's no any 'recommended' on the menu for chicken chop but many people gave high ratings for chicken chop instead of the burger.


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