Penang Trip + Penang Bridge Marathon 2017 (PBIM 2017)

It's been so long since I last updated. I don't really have time for blog bc I'm busy in studies and some other duties. I've also quit dayre for awhile already bc there's a period that I found that I really have nothing much to write about and dayre has become a duty for me rather than an enjoyment, so I decided to take a break from it.

I decided to update today bc I just had a trip and I wanna keep all the memories here. I really treasure the memories that I have especially with people I love. If I didn't post the pics and write about them, I'll eventually forget about the details and it's really sad.

So I joined Penang Bridge Marathon (PBIM 2017) with J but in this post I'm gonna share more about our trip in Penang the day before. We overnight in Penang on Sat bc the marathon started in early morning today and we don't have vehicle to travel there from SP so overnight the best option we have, and it also means money flying away haha. We're too late to book accommodation so a lot of good deals were not available anymore. Anyway, we're still satisfied with what we got at last.

Ok back to the beginning of the trip. We had breakfast with Jun bc he sent us to the train station. Due to some fool reason, we missed the train and had to wait for another hour for the next train :/ My mood was spoiled tbh bc I always want to start trip early so that we have more time to spare. Anyway I felt better afterwards so we continue our trip happily hahaha.
Waiting for train

On ferry

Otw to breakfast place
I recommended Toh Soon Cafe bc J has never been there before. Zl brought me here before so I know this place. I like that kind of traditional breakfast and that ambience. They serve different kinds of toast, soft boiled egg and signature Hainam coffee if I have not mistaken. You've to wait for quite some time for them to serve you food.
Toh Soon Cafe
The crowd was real but less insane than the last time I visited. Lucky that we only waited for awhile bc there're 2 empty spaces at the table of an elder couple so we shared table with them (the perks of traveling in small group).
Coffee left by the uncle.
Egg toast and kaya toast + 2 kopi ping
My fav pic in the entire trip, thanks J!

Please bear with the bad alignment bc I forgot to rotate it and I'm lazy to do so now.

Helped J took quite many pics but it's hard to please him! My photography skill also isn't that good hahaha.

He works better with portrait without showing face HAHA. His facial expression is mostly the reason that he's not satisfied with the pics.

 Walked a long way to 名香泰
Love pastries

J was tired  bc I led him to walk a really long and extra path to reach here haha so sorryy

ordered the famous egg tart, 咸蛋酥 and 竹蔗马蹄水 which I drank with ZL before. J chose the drinks

Backlight portrait?
After that we went to Queensbay cuz we wanna estimate the time needed to travel there from Komtar. I shopped a lil bit and had dinner there although I initially planned to have dinner at Kimberley Street.
Chilli panmee

cendol cuz we're lazy to queue at the original place
At 9pm++ I realized I forgot to bring my jogging shorts!! J was kinda pissed off bc we planned to rest early but bc of me, we had to go out to get me shorts, so sorry! We went to 1st Avenue bc it's the nearest mall to us. I bought 2 shorts from Pierre Cardin in Parksons. Not really pretty but what more could I ask for? 

Then J ordered nugget from Texas Chicken. We went back afterwards.

PBIM 2017
We got up at 4.30am and headed to the starting point from Komtar by rapid shutter bus. J started running at 6.30am
My run started at 7am 
We both made it! 10km. gonna try 21km next year!
I look gigantic here ....
Look at my number HAHAHA. I'm kiasu so I bought early to get early bird price hahaha

卤肉饭 as lunch at New World Park! 
Journey back to SP.
I'm so thankful for J bc he's the one who carried the luggage all the time, booked grab for us, took care of finance (and me) and also led the way to anywhere we went.

Btw this is my first trip with my new camera and I'd say both of us enjoyed using it! I'm so impressed with the pic quality. This has sth to do with the large sensor if I've not mistaken. I love it so much! I'm so gonna bring it to everywhere I go hahaha.

Bye readers :D


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