Trip to Cousin's Wedding

Hey guys! It's been so long since I last blogged cuz I've started using Dayre on iPhone. I update almost every single day on Dayre so I seldom update here anymore. Since exam has just over so I have plenty of time to do my own stuff, I decided to blog about my life lately.

So I went to Johor for my cousin's wedding before my term break. I travelled to KL by ETS first to meet with my family before heading to Johor by car. It's already 2pm++ when we reached the place we stayed and we had to get up at 5am++ to start getting ready ( I slept until 7am lol)
Had breakfast with J cuz he sent me to train station 
Tried this dress while helping Agneline to look for white dress
Enosh bought Starbucks coffee
Walked around Nu Central while waiting mom to arrive 
I brought a dress along but I think it's too short so it's inconvenient since I'll be helping the bride all the time like carrying her handbag, helping her with her dress etc. I bought the dress below in KL and I like it so much! It's not too exposing so I feel very comfortable in it, not to mention that the fabric is really in good quality! The heels were from taobao but the size is slightly too big for me so the strap at the ankle fell off quite often. Anyway I like them too! 

The wedding day of cousin! 
Pretty bride with pretty bouquet

 I bought the dress below from Gurney Plaza. I'd say it's a good bargain :) I think I mentioned about it in my previous blog.
The same day but I wore another dress for the luncheon.

One of my favourite photo
 All the dishes were so different with that in KK.
First time drinking alcohol in a luncheon

They served birdnest drinks as desserts 
We stayed in Grand Seasons Hotel. Despite bring a 4-Star hotel I was not so satisfied with the services provided. We put our luggages at the lobby and they're supposed to send it to our room but they didn't, even after we came back from outside after checking in. After we're back they claimed that they'll send them but they didn't. Angeline and I went to the lobby to check and we found that they even wrote the wrong room number on the luggage rack. Idk whether they attempted to send or they just left it there since we checked it. Another thing is that they didn't even provide towels in the bathroom. Seriously?? It's the first time I stayed in a hotel which don't provide towels.
The room was ok but the lighting was to dim for my liking

 We went to Ikea after checking in because mom has never been there before.
I like this view ! Should've taken the photo from another side cuz there're 2 cakes hiding at the back of the 2nd tray hahahaha

First tried the almond cake, it tasted good but too sweet 

Mom bought blueberry + raspberry jam and coffee powder from Ikea for dad cuz dad never tried before hahaaha
 The next day we went to MyTown Shopping Centre. It's a new mall right next to Ikea Cheras. 
I bought these random stuffs from Yubiso but until now I only used 1 of them.......

Match ice-cream from family mart only for RM2.5

Tofu cheesecake bought by Angeline

Went to Central Market cuz mom wanna buy dodol for aunt

Dinner at 4 fingers before leaving. I don't think I'll go for a sec time cuz the food were so salty especially the fried chicken in the burger. The seaweed and kimchi sushi were so new to me tho. I tapao some leftover back to KK. We're rushing cuz we have less than 30 mins before Enosh and Angeline's train departing so we randomly chose a fast food restaurant in KL Sentral.

One of the reason that we're running late was that we departed late. Another reason was that the lift was always full when it opened since we're in the basement. We waited for so many rounds and ended up using escalator to go to 1st floor to use the lift. 

I saw some difference between KL people and KK people. At the moment some of us were carrying luggages and we went into the lift but there're 5 of us so it's overweight. Mom and I went outside to use the escalator while bro brought Enosh and Angeline to the restaurant first cuz they're running late. After knowing the location of the restaurant mom and I used the lift. People inside were so impatient. When the lift was opened I was stading nearest to the door and the people behind said 'excuse me' in a kinda rude way like 嫌棄 me carrying luggage blocking his/her way.

In KK I was in a lift and when the door opened there're a mother with her child in a baby chair, she stood outside for awhile not knowing whether to come inside or not and the people in the lift said 'come in, there're still space' and we move backwards to let them in.
4 fingers

Bodyshop had big sales going on during the period.

I guess that's all for this post. I was mainly sharing photos cuz I don't wanna waste the photos taken hahaha. 


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