OHAC 2017

OHAC ( Oral Health Awareness Campaign) was so new to me since I'm only a year 1 dental student. So my campus has organized this campaign obviously to raise the awareness of public regarding oral health ( Guess you'll be whispering 'you don't say!')

Year 1 dental students are required to on duty for game session, which we need to walked around the mall to attract kids to play game and use the opportunity to let the parents know an oral health campaign is going on.

I was in the same session with J, Shu Min, Shirley, Siew Hui, Zhen Wei, Raphaelle and Lester. I teamed up with J and we're in charge of tic tac toe game hahaha. We had to lose to the kids purposely so that they can get the gift (toothpaste or toothpaste). Idk how the kids feel after knowing that the gift is a toothpaste because obviously kids prefer sweets or sth like that which is edible, or toys. Of course we won't award them with sweets because we're doing ORAL HEALTH campaign.

Our shift was from 10.30am until 1.30pm. Basically we just roamed around the mall playing games with kids and distributing flyers to adults. It's quite fun hahaha.

After we've done our shift, we watched 'Logan' together with Mak and Ivin but Raphaelle went home. Its storyline was quite good but it's a lil bit (very) violent for me. There're many fighting and killing scene of wolverine with his claws. That's why I didn't watch 'Game of Throne', the beginning of 1st ep is already showing the cutting of head blablabla :/ I'm a peace lover ok HAHAHA

Then we had our early dinner at Domino's Pizza because it's just one stone's away from the mall.

I found that there're many people who're not civilized (sorry I know I'm being judgemental). I went to washroom after the movie, and there's a girl in front of me facing the door of one of the washroom. Idk whether she's standing there as a queue or she's waiting for the specific washroom so I just stood behind her forming a queue. Idk why it took so long for the persons inside the 4 washrooms to come out ==

Then another lady came in and she skipped us and walked straight to wait in front of one of the washroom. LOL I thought she was supposed to queue behind me and take turn to use the washroom?? Obviously she used the washroom before me and the one in front of me because the person from the washroom she stood outside of came out first. Then I was like wth.

Then another lady came in and she skipped 2 of us as well but she let the one in front of me to use the washroom first when somebody came out. BUT there're another 2 girls (teenagers I supposed) who have been there in the end of the washroom since the beginning, went in straight. Then the lady in front of me continued to wait again. Idk who reached there first, either the one in front of me or the 2 teenagers.

My point is... isn't it obvious that you need to queue when you see a queue instead of skipping the queue and go to the front. If there's nobody inside the washroom then of course you can wait in front of any washroon you want, but it's so not moral to simply ignore the people who're queuing and skip to the front.

I wasn't ranting just because somebody skipped my queue in washroom but it's so ... (idk what to say) to see how people nowadays behave in daily lives. For example, when you're using lift or going on a train, it's so obvious that you should let the people inside to come out first before you get in. I knew this since I was very young but so many adults don't know about it. They will just stand right in front of the door and simply rush into the lift/train when the door is opened and it's so hard for the people inside to come out.

Anyway, let me show you some pics from today.

Me and the game board we're in charged

J playing tic tac toe with the kids
Look at my buddies, they enjoyed doing their duty hahaha
Partners for the day


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