Done with my photobook!

I've been procrastinating for months on my annual photobook and tonight...I finally done with it!! This's my 3rd year doing it and I seriously hope that I can manage to do it every year. I think it's meaningful making a photobook every year, which you choose the highlights of the year and put them all inside the book. 

Since it's so easy to take photos nowadays with smartphone, there'll be a lot of meaningless (less important) photos in gallery as well. If you're lazy to filter your photos, there'll be thousands of photos backed up in your computer that you'll never view it because there're way tooooo many. This's when photobook comes into play because you can choose the best moments of your life to put into it.

I usually buy the photobook through Groupon when there's sales which they have quite often. I think marks up the price lol.

It took me so long to start doing it because the more I've done, the longer it took to load the pages, which I think is time wasting. Sometimes it even freezes so I've to reload it and lost the part that I've done. I need to constantly save it to avoid such situation. This afternoon I was so in the mood to finish it and I literally spent the whole afternoon and night to work on it.

I'm so into Dayre lately. I can't stop reading their posts (even in lecture) that I opened a tab of Dayre so I can read while waiting for the page to load.

I'm struggling whether to start writing on Dayre or not. I think it's more casual to write it there as I can write anything that happen everyday but I don't think I'll stick to it for long because I don't have much to write about my life. My daily life is pretty much the same everyday :/ On the other hand, I think it's good to record there everyday or every other day or even few times a week because you can look back at your life in the future, and you don't need a specific title for the post bc you can include anything that happened that day.

I also think that I've keep myself occupied with too many things like managing online shop, photography (which I seldom do), blogging, music ( I just bought a keyboard piano from Lazada), music theory ( which I hope I can improve more), jogging and etc. I don't even have time for movies and dramas lately because I think I've got better things to do whenever I feel like watching dramas. I also like cooking but always running out of materials to cook. I do grocer like once a month but I cannot buy too many things at once because most of the fresh food materials can't be kept for long. I usually only stock up eggs and cheese. 

I bought 2 types of shimeiji mushroom 2 weeks ago and I found some mold on it just now although I kept them i fridge :(

Tomorrow will be a hectic day for me since I'll be having lecture from 8-12 and 2-5. Just the thought of it is making me feeling tired... I have a presentation to do tomorrow morning lol. 

It took me over an hour to load through the pages because the wifi in hostel is veryyyy slowwwwww. I need to sleep now. Here are some of my fav pages.
#LLAdventure hahhaa
I like the page on the left, the greenish floral is so suitable for Sarawak
Another floral background but in purple
This background is so cute, match with our purple team colour
I like the elegant background on the left
Good thing about having professional photoshoot is that the quality allows you to put the photo on full page
Collage for year end break
That's all for tonight. The line is really killing me with that speed. Hot weather + slow wifi are making me grumpy rn.

Intended to write my first post on Dayre just now but it's so late already. I must drink some coffee before lecture later. 



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