Koek Kee Dimsum Restaurant(國記茶樓)

2 more days to the day I go home. I've waited so long to be back to hometown because I crave for my hometown food so badly. Also, I'll be visiting my relatives in Sandakan which is my mom's hometown. I'm quite looking forward to the trip. It'll be a great chance for me to hunt for local food. The last time I've been there was more than 10 years ago.

So tonight I'm gonna share about a dimsum restaurant in Sungai Petani, which is Koek Kee Restaurant(国记茶楼). I've been there for 3 times ever since I first came to SP in 2015. The restaurant is fully occupied by elderlies and we seemed like the only younger ones. From here we can definitely tell that this restaurant has been operated for decades so it's the most popular spot for the locals to eat dimsum.

Personally, I think there wasn't many choices for dimsum. However, the dimsum size is quite big so we felt full after eating only few plates. We're all amazed by the time it took for us to be full because we didn't order much in fact.

Siu Mai (烧卖)
Har Gao (虾饺)
Fish Ball (鱼丸)

Crab stick siu mai (蟹柳烧卖)i'm not sure about this

Har Mai (虾卖)

Lotus seed ball is very crispy outside while chewy inside. It's served freshly so the hotness and crispiness were perfect. 
Lotus Seed Paste Ball (莲蓉煎堆)

We ordered some other food after taking this pic, lor mai gai (糯米鸡), 虾卷 and porridge. Next time I'm gonna try out dai bao (大包). It cost RM40++  in total including tea for 4 of us. I felt so satisfied for this meal. I'm sure I'll eat dimsum again with family once I get back to hometown. The craving is real hahaha.


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