Done with CA1

Hey guys! I've gone for so long because I always can't put myself together to blog. Recently I saw one of my coursemate sharing his blog on facebook, only then I think I should really continue blog or else I will eventually dropped this hobby.

I've finally done with CA1 which lasted for 5 days. It's a really tough week for me since I fell sick on the first day of CA. Actually I felt there's something wrong with my body the night before CA1, which was Sunday night when I just came back from my KL trip

Right after I got down from train that night, I felt cold and felt the bloating in my stomach. I thought I was gonna get a fever but nope, it's worse than that, I actually vomited the whole day on Monday. The first time was 5am on Monday, then 6.30am, 8.30am, one more time on 10.40 right after I done my Dentistry paper. There're few more times in the afternoon and night. I basically couldn't study at all for the whole day because there's this feeling of nausea and I was so blurred. When I sat in front of the study table, my mind was blank and nothing could go through my head. I just felt like going to bed to release the uneasiness of my stomach. 

I did went to the clinic to get myself some medicine but the nurse wrote the wrong prescription for me. 'Primetil' which can prevent vomit was supposed to be eaten before meal but she told me to eat after meal. So when I ate half slice of bread at around 12pm and ate the medicine, I ended up vomiting everything immediately. I guessed the medicine was gone too from my stomach. Afterwards I told one of our saints who is a doctor about my condition and the medicine given to me, only then I realized I've eaten the medicine at the wrong timing. 

I was slowly recovering until Wednesday, I made myself kimchi porridge for dinner because I think I was 90% recovered (actually not). It all went well that night only until I started feeling stomachache in the midnight. I even had diarrhea and kept throwing up in the midnight and early morning. From that point I started regretting for not taking care of my body, I was so tempted to food when I had good appetite. I felt miserable for the few days not only because of the sickness but also because of the exam that's going on. I wanted to study but my body couldn't cope well. I felt so helpless but I have no one to rely on because everyone was busy preparing for their CA. I learnt a lesson here, never take your body for granted and never risk your health especially during exam period. I kept contacting with my family through whatsapp and my brother called me few times to ask about my health condition. Perhaps it's God's arrangement for me to turn to Him in this hardship.

Now let's get back to my CA... I think I really screwed up my CA1. One reason was that I fell sick while another reason was that I went to KL for 4 days right before CA. I had no time to do revision there as the schedule was so packed. I need to find a table lamp and a pair of white shoes for cheerleading so I actually spent a lot of time in mall. I could get some time to do revision if I really want, like not accompanying brother to pick up parents from airport, or staying home while everyone went shopping, but I wouldn't do that, I think that spending quality time with family was much more important than doing revision, especially when I can only met them occasionally, like twice or thrice a year. I wouldn't want the time just slipped like that without us really communicating. 

To score well in exam not only need our preparations prior before exam but also need our good condition the day before and on the day of our paper. Maybe my preparation before exam was not sufficient too but me being in bad shape this week definitely dragged down my performance as well. For sure, my result would be very bad this time. Hope I can can catch up in the next CA and do better. 



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