Joshua turns 19 | Takeno Japanese Restaurant

It's been 3 weeks since I started my degree. There's not much assignments so far, only 2 for ESAP, which are critical thinking and critical review so I'm quite free to blog recently. I spent a lot of time on sleeping these days since the orientation night. We spent 6 hours playing 8 stations that day and got so dirty. There're flour, tootpaste, yogurt, sand, coffee and many more all over our faces and clothes. It was definitely and unforgettable one. 

Tomorrow will be Joshua's big day but we got him a surprise party at Takeno Japanese Restaurant today. Last night some of us already surprised him by pouring on him a pail of mixture of water, flour, spaghetti sauce, milk powder and soil. We also bought him a birthday cake and sang birthday song. Little did he know that we have a bigger plan ahead which is more surprising because there'll be more people joining us.

I bought the chocolate oreo cake from Bonjour Bread. I like the design because it's simple and classy. I was gonna choose mango cake since it's the most popular choice in the bakery but I think chocolate cake looks better in photo so I ended up buying choc oreo cake.
Chocolate Oreo cake from Bonjour Bread bakery, I like the design so much!

I would say it's a succeed one because it went smoothly without major problem. Btw there's something worth mentioning hahaha. When Joshua and his roommates came in we weren't ready so we immediately held the cake and walked towards him and sang birthday song while the candles weren't lit hahaha. We lighted the candles after we passed the cake to him LOL. Anyway he's surprised so that's enough.
We started getting ready when we knew they almost reach but still didn't notice their arrival HAHA
the candles 
there's big chunks of oreo inside the cake.

unagi and katsu set

We took some great photos that I'd like to share.
Joshua and me
He and his roommates

The guys
All of us  :)

Hope this is not the last time that all of us from different courses come together.


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