I'm officially a degree student!

After one and a half months of rest, finally I started my campus life as a degree student in Aimst University. I really didn't feel like blogging when I was at home, probably because there're lots of things I can do other than blogging, like watching movies/drama, going out with mom, hanging out with friends and of course catching pokemon haha. Actually most of the time I don't feel like going out, partly because I was lazy to drive and another reason is that.... I was lazy haha.

I still manage to meet some of my secondary school classmates in KK, most of them are leaving KK soon for degree. It's weird that even when I was bored at home and don't know what to do, I still don't feel like blogging but once I came back to campus, *blogging mode ON*. I really have nothing much to do in campus, we can either go out to eat or play sports in campus. This week I can actually go to Penang since we all are still free this week but I wanna cut down expenses and start saving money, hope I'm determined enough.

Yesterday was my registration day, can you believe it took me literally 4 hours to get the process done? I went to the venue at 9.30am and can only went back to hostel at 1.30pm. MBBS and BDS students registered together so there're 250++ students I guess, no wonder it took so long time. After that I had lunch outside and did some grocer shopping with my friend. I put some of my stuff in my senior's room but she's having her break now so I can't take them back. Maybe I'll ask the warden for the key after the orientation later, not sure whether she'll let me have the key or not.

There're 75 students including me in my course, so 74 of them will be my coursemates for 5 years. I haven't got to know each and every one of them because we haven't start the game session yet. I'm kinda curious what kind of ppl are them.

2pm this afternoon will be the university orientation for new intake students amd I'll have faculty orientation tomorrow 9am-5pm, non-stop listening to talks for the whole day, ahhh... Hope I can survive all these talks. 


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