Yoshiya Japanese Restaurant

I thought everyone has started to get their study mood ready and don't wanna hangout anymore but then I just realized that they weren't actually hahaha. I had English tutorial until around 1pm yesterday and then somebody came out with an idea to eat outside. I thought many of them will reject but then everyone agreed immediately and looked so excited. It's the moment that I found out I'm still normal because I was as excited as them although I was a bit shocked by their excitements because usually only me and Xin Hui got excited whenever we have impromptu outing. Not to mention that it's already around exam period.

The restaurant we went was Yoshiya which I went once before for Joshua's Birthday celebration. Last time I tried their ramen and I didn't really like it because it's kinda too salty for me and I feel like I was drinking ajinomoto soup. So this time I ordered the Sanma Miso, Kebayaki which came in set along with a soup, a slice of watermelon, rice and free either sushi or sashimi, and a mini ala' carte snacks. For the free sashimi I ordered Maguro but Jun ate them all because the salmon that he ordered were put in a place with my Maguro so he thought all were his haha. Nevermind I ate the salmon instead,

Right after we decided to go out, I personally like this photo because I think I look good HAHA ok
The table was always full because everyone ordered set meal
Close up look of my Sanma Miso, Kebayaki
The one on the left was quite nice but Idk the name. Kari kari cheese on the right was not bad as well, kinda like pastry puff with cheese inside
Quite blur but this was the only photo I guess. I didn't take any.
After the lunch some of them suggested to watch ' Me Before You' which is quite hot recently, many of my friends watched and gave high rating. I couldn't make it because I've to go to Lord's Table Meeting at night. At the end they also didn't watch it since some of them have to go back to hometown after dropping us off at campus. 


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