Kangnaru Korean Restaurant

Okay I had a not-so-impromptu impromptu outing again. My roommate and I actually planned to go out either on Saturday or Sunday but too bad we didn't manage to borrow a car because many of our friends were away from campus. Around 8pm it came to my mind that Jun maybe back in campus already so I quickly borrowed his car haha, so here started our outing. My roommate actually kinda craved for Japanese food and Korean food so we ended up going to a Korean restaurant, which was the restaurant where my friends celebrated my birthday this year. I quite like this restaurant because the owner is a Korean so I guess the food was really authentic.

For the last time we really ate a lot because there're many of us. This time, only 2 of us, we ordered toppoki (teok bok ee), which was stir fried rice cake with spicy sauce, fish cake and vegetable. At first we wanna ordered bi bim bap as well but then the rice was finished. Our meal came along with some side dishes as well, we had kimchi, fish cake, potato and carrot, and for the other one I'm not sure how to call it. It's some kind of vegetables which was kinda crunchy. We refilled the side dishes for 2 times and the portion given was becoming lesser and lesser lol.

Kangnaru Restaurant
Comfortable environment
Dinner for 2
Featuring my fav kimchi and toppoki!
After we finished dining we went to Central Square to try out the Mcd cendol ice-cream but guess what? It only launch on the next day! Anyway I'm still happy because I had my kimchi yay.


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