C4 Class Dinner | The Boss Cafe | Blackwood Cafe

Time flies, I still can't get used to the fact today was the last day of lecture week for my foundation year, it means that no more impromptu outing for us oh no. Since this was the last week, my class had our class dinner this Tuesday at The Boss Cafe. I thought it's compulsory for every class to organize this dinner but actually it wasn't, I get to know that other class didn't have their class dinner, seems like only our class did. YAY! 

This was my second time dining at The Boss. Last time I went there I was also with C4 classmates but didn't feel like going for the second time. Some suggested this place since it's halal so yeah, we went there again. Many of us ordered the same dish since we all wanna try out Cheesy Chicken Chop, which was given high rating by others. However, one of my friend's chicken chop was still raw, I mean the flour covering the chicken was not cooked so he got a new one again.
Free chicken wings and fries for first 50 sets
Cheesy Chicken Chop, RM14.90
Joshua and his uncooked chicken chop emo
Last time I ordered Mushroom Chicken Chop, only the sauce was different for both chicken chop actually. The cheese sauce was not so rich and I think it only covered a small part of the chicken chop. It'd be better if more cheese sauce was served but some may think it's too greasy until they can't finish it. I wouldn't mind more cheese because I'll never say 'no' to cheese. I can finish a whole container of cheesy macaroni back in high school haha. I always bring pasta or sandwich to school as breakfast and lunch back then.

After dinner some of us went to Blackwood Cafe for second round. Joshua ordered a Nutella Crepe Cake as suggested by me while Xin Hui ordered a Matcha Crepe Cake. Both were quite disappointing tbh. We can barely taste it because the taste wasn't strong enough. We're like eating plain cake. For the nutella crepe cake, the nutella was only on the top later so I couldn't even taste the nutella. Same goes to matcha crepe cake as well. The crepe were also kinda too hard so the texture wasn't good.
Nutella Crepe Cake
Matcha Crepe Cake
Playing with phone?
Xin Hui and me
Shu Min and me
 I've no idea why I wasn't very high that night. I wasn't excited and didn't talk much. Anyway it's an enjoyable night although I barely talked to anybody other than 'TripleBond' lol. TripleBond is the group name for me and 5 other friends. We just got close after Langkawi Trip actually, too bad it's already the end of my foundation studies. Our time spent together was quite less although we had few impromptu outings haha.
C4 Classmates of 3 different races


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