Little Thoughts before mid sem test

I'm actually writing this in physics lecture class lol. It's gonna be a busy day for me today because I have a lot of tasks to be done. I actually have an undone chemistry folio which I'm supposed to hand in on Friday, maths assignment which I have to hand in tomorrow, bio tutorial which we will be discussing tomorrow, not to mention the revisions that I've to do for the mid sem test next week. I also haven't started doing the maths tutorial which will be discussed later at 2pm. The reason behind all these undone tasks is because I went out with friends last night. If I didn't go out then I might be able to finish at least chemistry folio and maths assingment, and maybe maths tutorial as well. In case you ask me do I regret going out last night, the ans is 'No.'

Of course studies are more important than hanging out with friends but I don't think the price of having fun is that I will be left behind. Even if I'm left behind, I will try to increase my pace by putting in more time and efforts to my studies to make sure that I can catch up with everything.

'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy',

Maybe my 'play' is a lil bit too much recently haha. This Fri we will go out for a birthday celebration for one of my friend. Somehow I think that the more I spend time hanging out, the more motivated I'll be to study because I'll feel guilty if my results are not satisfying because Of having too much fun. I always feel guilty when I'm not fully committed to my studies while others do. Don't judge, I know I'm comparing with others but it's kinda stressed when people who do better than you are more diligent than you. Then I feel like maybe I'm overconfident so I try be more hardworking too. 

Anyway, it's time for me to really focus on revision for mid sem test even though my mind keeps telling me that this test won't affect much on final results. But study is indeed our responsibility here in college, if I can't do well it means that I fail on fulfilling my greatest responsibility. 

Hope my results for mid sem test won't be too bad because my preparation in this sem is less compared to that in sem 1 :/ 

Finish blogging just in time before lecture ends :)


  1. 'The reason behind all these undone tasks is because I went out with friends last night' 😏😂😂😂

  2. 'The reason behind all these undone tasks is because I went out with friends last night' 😏😂😂😂


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