中马式 | The Alley Cafe

This week is the 8th week of my semester 3. After calculating the days which I'm still able to meet my classmates, excluding weekends, study break and exam week, the result is...... 22 days!! *suddenly feeling a sense of sadness* It always happens that when we just start to become close with a bunch of friends, we'll soon realize that it's already around the time when we're about to separate. I'm really sad right now tbh. I can't imagine the moment when we enroll in different degree courses, will we still be able to wave to each other when we meet without being awkward? Will we still tag each other whenever we see funny posts on facebook? Will we still hangout right after tutorial without much consideration? 

Let's get back to the point, I wanna blog about my food trip yesterday actually. It was an impromptu outing (my fav). Our first stop was a seafood restaurant (中马式). The food here are good and the price is reasonable so this was actually my 4th time dining here and I've never been disappointed. For this time, we ordered  nestum chicken, spices pork, Shanghai tofu and a sambal sweet potato leaves. We had soup for free today, lucky us. For me, I think sambal works better with kangkung rather than sweet potato leaves. I should try sautéed sweet potato leaves next time.

This meal was as satisfying as the last time I was here. We chit chat for awhile after done eating then headed to The Alley Cafe which was just within walking distance from the restaurant. This was my second time being here. I went here for the first time with Zi Ling on the first week of our foundation studies. So this time we ordered Churros in big portion and shared among 5 of us. It's actually a signature Spanish doughnut, served with chocolate dip and cinnamon. I enjoyed so much in the cafe because we had so much laughter.

Our early dinner

Environment of The Alley

Latte of Jun, Churros with choc dip and cinnamon dip

It's only 2 days left until my trip to Langkawi! I'm so excited and looking forward to it. I will make sure that I have lots of fun with them to create more memories together before we enroll into degree since this might be our last trip together.

Cheers :)


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