What Have I Learnt in College

Since I started college life from July last year, I've learnt so much but there's still a lot for me to learn. One of the biggest lesson that I'm still learning is trying not to judge. I used to be somebody who always judge. I still remember when I was in primary school, I had a friend, lets call her A, she's a girl who likes to look at the mirror, one day she's looking at the mirror again while we're queuing to go downstairs after school then I told another friend, friend B that 'A cares about her appearance so much she looks at the mirror all the time.' I thought friend A will agree with what I said but she didn't, you know what friend B replied me? She said 'There's nothing wrong what, who on earth doesn't care about his/her appearance?' I still remember our conversation although it's 10 years ago. 

In college, there are students came from different states all over Malaysia in our batch. For sure there're many different personalities and different cultures. When you don't agree with what he/she is doing doesn't mean that what he/she does is wrong, you can't expect everyone to do the same thing as you do, bare in mind that you're not the only one who's right, it's like I love to eat cheesecake but you like choc cake you can't say that I'm wrong right. 

It's not easy to have friends that are so close and be real to you like those friends you had back in secondary school but luckily I found mine. I'm really appreciate to meet them in my foundation year. They are the only ones that I can open up myself to them without being awkward or what. They are more like family than friend to me cuz I can annoy them without worrying that they will leave me. For friends other than them, I feel that there's always a gap between me and them, even if they treat me really good I still think that there's a wall separating us and I dont feel that they are being real. It's hard to describe but anyway, I have  to learn to accept because eventually we need to know new friends in degree. I can't just stick with the friends that I have and I like in foundation year so I have to deal with more different people in the future.

In college, I can't talk whatever I want to anybody because I don't have that trust in me. Whenever I told somebody something, what I told them will become a topic for that person to talk with others. Although what we talked is not consider as gossip but I still feel that this makes me become somebody who isn't trustworthy. It happened few time right in front of me. That person wants to socialize with others but then run out of topic so that person just told them what I told to continue the conversation. To deal with this kind of person, the best way for me is still staying quiet more. Maybe we can talk, but I'll just talk about general things. If I tell you my prob maybe the next day everyone will know what I've told you. 

Anyway, I still have a lot to learn in my college/uni life. Looking forward to learn more and grow maturer mentally.


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