Sem 2 Final Exam

Just finished my last paper for semester 2 exam today. I'm a lil bit stressed out and kinda worried about the result because I think I've not done my best for some subjects. For English essay writing, I might wrote out of topic. The topic given is to discuss on whether studying abroad has greater prospect than studying locally but I didnt really actually touch the point about career prospect, I just wrote about the advantages of studying abroad. Since English subject mark will not be considered when enrolling for degree so it's ok for me but I hope i didnt get a really low mark cuz my CGPA will be affected. For chemistry paper today, in section C actually we only have to do one essay ques out of three. I didnt read the instruction properly so I did 2 essay ques, which are q8 and q9. Q9 is actually the easiest one among the three ques but since i did q8 first so i think the examiners will take the mark of q8, it means that even though I did better in q9 but then they will still use the mark of q8. I really hope to at least maintain my CGPA but i did so many mistakes which I shouldn't in this examination *sigh

After the exam we took some photos which I think are quite satisfying haha


My Fav 

candid shot lol

Btw I will be going to Penang tomorrow with my roommates before we going back to hometown on Monday, we'll definitely have lots of fun tgt.


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