Penang 1 Day Trip

After the 4-Month Perfecting in Penang ended, few of us from Kota Kinabalu had one day to explore Penang before departing home. First, we went to Balik Pulau (a town in Penang which is famous for its durian plantations).

A nice view behind us
Roti bakar
Fish Village

Random Jump Shot

We visited Countryside Stables Penang. There're many horses of different breeds from all over the world. We fed them hay and of course, took photos.

I was feeding a horse
Then, we visited Saanen Dairy Goat Farm, of course, what we did there was looking at goats. Other than that? Yes we drank fresh goat milk, nutmeg yogurt and ate brown sugar goat milk bun as well as goat milk pudding. The farm owner also sell some handmade goat milk soap. All the goats there are plain white in colour but some have horns while others don't.
Hey You
Brown Sugar Goat Milk Buns
Around 5pm, we went back to Georgetown to have our dinner. We had our dinner at Kimberly Street (汕頭街)

Penang Mural Street Art lol

Penang is indeed a food paradise for food lover.


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