
Showing posts from March, 2016

Penang 3D2N Trip (Day 1)

As I mentioned earlier, I spent some time in Penang before heading back to my hometown, KK. I actually had this trip with Zi Ling, my roommates in Aimst University, whom was also my secondary school classmate. Since the flight ticket is RM200++ cheaper if we go back on Monday rather than going back on Sat and Sun so both of us think that it's better spending money on touring around Georgetown to explore more and gain experiences. Our trip is actually 3D2N, we left Aimst and headed to Georgetown by taxi on Sat morning. It's around 10am when we arrived there. However, we can only check in at 2pm so we put our belongings at the place we stayed (Hutton Lodge) and went to walk around Georgetown and had our breakfast. We had our breakfast at Toh Soon Cafe (多春茶座). The cafe is quite crowded that we had to stand for quite long time to get a seat. It serves different kinds of toast like kaya, peanut butter, butter etc. We ordered a peanut butter toast and a butter kaya steamed bread,

What Have I Learnt in College

Since I started college life from July last year, I've learnt so much but there's still a lot for me to learn. One of the biggest lesson that I'm still learning is trying not to judge. I used to be somebody who always judge. I still remember when I was in primary school, I had a friend, lets call her A, she's a girl who likes to look at the mirror, one day she's looking at the mirror again while we're queuing to go downstairs after school then I told another friend, friend B that 'A cares about her appearance so much she looks at the mirror all the time.' I thought friend A will agree with what I said but she didn't, you know what friend B replied me? She said 'There's nothing wrong what, who on earth doesn't care about his/her appearance?' I still remember our conversation although it's 10 years ago.  In college, ther e are students came from different states all over Malaysia in our batch. For sure there're many differen

Sem 2 Final Exam

Just finished my last paper for semester 2 exam today. I'm a lil bit stressed out and kinda worried about the result because I think I've not done my best for some subjects. For English essay writing, I might wrote out of topic. The topic given is to discuss on whether studying abroad has greater prospect than studying locally but I didnt really actually touch the point about career prospect, I just wrote about the advantages of studying abroad. Since English subject mark will not be considered when enrolling for degree so it's ok for me but I hope i didnt get a really low mark cuz my CGPA will be affected. For chemistry paper today, in section C actually we only have to do one essay ques out of three. I didnt read the instruction properly so I did 2 essay ques, which are q8 and q9. Q9 is actually the easiest one among the three ques but since i did q8 first so i think the examiners will take the mark of q8, it means that even though I did better in q9 but then they will st