
Showing posts from February, 2018

Hitting 21th!

I'm officially 21 y/o today. I think I'm not quite ready for it. I can still rmb how hitting 20 is a big milestone for me last year bc I'm not a teen anymore. Now I'm 21, another marvelous milestone as I'm leaping into adulthood. I think there're a lot for me to learn and grow bc I think my mental age is still very young. I want to take my life seriously, whether it's daily life or spiritual life and of course I wanna grow in spiritual life, I'm so left behind bc I seldom push myself forward. My friends threw me a surprise party on 7th. It's an advanced surprise bc J and I will be busy for the 2 following days. This balloon is so pretty! It's my first time receiving this kind of balloon and I love it! Hope it lasts long Prepared by Zi Ling, thank you! It's now hanging on my room wall J customized a cake and it's the cutest cake ever! it had many seals on it but too bad I couldn't bring them back bc they're made by su